Texture Repair


Popcorn Texture Repair

We use Georgia Pacific’s QT on all ceiling texture repairs. QT is a low-cost, interior finish powder product that mixes with water for easy application with standard spray equipment.

They contain a polystyrene aggregate, available in fine, medium and coarse textures, to provide a variety of decorating options that conceal minor surface defects. The GP texture was used in the Raleigh-Durham area for most homes.

This textures produce a handsome, simulated, acoustical ceiling finish. It can be applied over treated plaster and concrete substrates, and noncontact gypsum panels. They dry white and are typically left unpainted on non-contact ceiling surfaces.

Mike has been spraying ceilings for over 25 years around the Durham, North Carolina area.

Texture ceilings, also known as cottage cheese ceiling or more accurately an acoustic texture ceiling, is a term for a spray-on ceiling texture used from the late 1950s into the 1980s in American residential construction. It was the standard for bedroom and residential hallway ceilings for its bright, white appearance, noise reduction qualities and ability to hide imperfections, while kitchen and living rooms ceilings would normally be finished in smoother ceiling texture for their higher durability and ease of cleaning.

Popcorn Ceiling texture repairs can not be matched in color and the ceiling texture will fade over a period of time. When damage occurs from water leaks or broken pipes in the ceiling it will inevitably cause your ceiling to stain with water marks if the damaged ceiling is not repaired properly. We recomend respraying the whole ceiling for matching purpose, if you do not consider all new popcorn and only repair it will not match.

That’s why you need a professional. So why not call Faircloth Drywall for all your ceiling texture repairs?

Drop us a Line

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions


Major Service Areas

Raleigh, Cary, Apex, Chapel Hill, Durham